More  Background of F.E.E.L.


F.E.EL. looks like a simple interview with some strange questions. Maybe you can hardly beleive that F.E.E.L. can heal severe trauma. So you can wonder, the trauma is really healed?


Basic principles

The most basic principle in F.E.E.L. is, that every human, regardless race, culture, backgrounds has the same program of birth, written in our DNA.

That program is positive, so aimed at a delivering of a healthy, balanced and happy adult (Natural Reset)


The second principle  is dualism, in this case meaning:  our information we have and learned, is processing in two opposite ways. What means,  also our memories are divided in two memorysystems.


Also the process of childbirth is stored in the same divided way in our brains.

Each memory has its own way of register the labor and qualified it..


What F.E.E.L. do for you

In traumatic labor there are conflicts originate between the written inner birth program and the reality.  That delivers PTSD complaints.

If not traumatic, yet there are less severe conflicts with the natural birth program. And this  give some  emotional problems, depending on circumstances and own background.


F.E.E.L. offers a reset of that natural program.  We all have  the ability to reset the impact of a traumatic birth. And we are receptive to that better program, the positive alternative of that natural given program. The reset is immediately. And durable.


Is F.E.E.L. only suitable for young parents?

 The questions asked to both memory systems at once, are timeless. One system of you knows, how your birth was. So every F.E.E.L. Coach has worked out their own birth and oft about their child.


Effect on others

Except the effects to the mother, there is a pronunced effect on the child and the father. That's why F.E.E.L. can be given simultaneous to parents.  Be present of the child is not necessary needed, but then you can see the effects.